For you car wash nostalgics, remember
the "good ol' days."
You know...when entering any wash bay was like landing on an aircraft carrier.
Line up the front
left wheel... proceed to a treadle which your approaching car now blindly obstructed from your view.
Those Day Are Gone!
"Virtual Treadle" features a driver-friendly open wash bay without guide
rails or drive-on treadle that is as easy to drive into as a standard parking stall. It safely accepts vehicles with any wheel
configuration including low-profile sport wheels, "dually" pick-up trucks, and oversized SUV tires. And on those busy days,
this easy-in driving means faster throughput and no more winter-related operational problems of ice jamming the treadle peddle.
The "Virtual Treadle" process begins as the wash customer enters the
bay. Ultrasonic sensors measure the vehicle's width and create an electronic safety envelope that protects the vehicle, while
maintaining the optimum cleaning distance. Next, powerful infrared sensors monitor the vehicle's position and signal the driver
to stop in position or back up (if necessary). The LaserWash is then activated for washing.
Faster throughput... Effortless solo entry... Accepts all new sports cars,
and low profile tires... Allows duallies clear exit... No more squishing of tires...
No more frustration.
Just More
Enjoyable Touchless Car Washing!